2019 Outreach
$4500 Donation
San Jose Unified School DistricT

Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth President Michael Zhao, VP of Outreach Angela Jiao and VP of Operation Andrew Yuan presented at San Jose Unified School District Board Meeting. They donated $4500 of the summer camp proceed to the San Jose Unified School District at the board meeting. San Jose High School, Lincoln High School and Gunderson High School received $1500 each for their Robotic Programs.

San Jose Unified School District 09-26-2019 Board Meeting Minutes:
"Lynbrook High School students Michael Zhao, Angela Jiao and Andrew Yuan presented a donation from Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth to the robotics programs at three San José Unified High Schools; Gunderson, Lincoln and San José High School.
Present to accept the donation on behalf of their schools were Gunderson High School Principal Kevin Wan, Lincoln High School Principal Matt Hewitson and teacher Nancy Reid, and San José High School Principal Sarah Field along with San José High School students and staff representing the robotics team.
Speakers for San José Unified; Kevin Wan, principal, Gunderson High School, Nancy Reid, teacher, Lincoln High School and Leonardo Plazola, student, San José High School commented in regard to the generous donation to their robotics programs and extended thanks to Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth."